HUDSON — Hudson’s River City Garden is in its third year in a green, fenced-in field at the corner of Front and State streets.
When the Community Garden at Second and Columbia streets lost its lease in 2014, a number...
Hayward Promise Neighborhood partners 4C's of Alameda County, Alameda County Public Health, Hayward Unified School District and La Familia Counseling Service collaborate to create "Strong Families" within the Hayward community. Hayward Promise Neighborhood partners: California State University...
| Read more >The District of Columbia Promise Neighborhood Initiative (DCPNI), nonprofit charged by the federal government with revitalizing the blighted Kenilworth/Parkside neighborhood in Ward 7, collaborated with the Paradise at Parkside apartments there to host a health and wellness fair for neighbors...
| Read more >So far this year, San Antonio's east side has already seen its share of crime. And now with summer here, there's a challenge to keep teenagers and young adults off the streets and out of trouble.
However, community leaders have a plan that might tackle the issue.
Tuesday night was the official...
| Read more >Posted: Saturday, June 4, 2016 12:00 am
HUDSON — Hudson’s River City Garden is in its third year in a green, fenced-in field at the corner of Front and State streets.
When the Community Garden at Second and Columbia streets lost its lease in 2014, a number...
Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton played some of his cards on Wednesday in his post-session negotiations with House Republicans. Dayton signed a spending bill which will begin to establish voluntary pre-Kindergarten for all Minnesota children, continue the expansion of broadband internet access in...
| Read more >From preschoolers to highschoolers, the month of May begins a celebration of accomplishments and the excitement for the next stage of life. For one young girl, an upcoming promotion marks a whole family’s embrace of a college-going culture.
Castle Park Elementary fifth grader, Frida Aldai, is...
| Read more >When assessing whether public initiatives and other communty interventions are having a measurable effect on social and economic indicators, tough-minded policy analysts often ask: “Are we moving the needle?”
As Minnesota legislators and Governor Mark Dayton negotiate in the final weeks of the...
| Read more >While Sherry Scott was growing up in rural eastern Kentucky, she didn’t know a single person who went to college, and thought she had zero chances of ever doing so herself. When she was 13 years-old, Scott’s family left the impoverished area for better opportunities.
Megan Ward of Berea...
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Druid Heights was once one of Baltimore's most vibrant African-American neighborhoods. Violence and poverty have turned it into one of the city's least healthy. Residents and community activists look at what's wrong and what can be done to fix it.
BALTIMORE — The Obama administration is...
| Read more >Roughly 80 percent of seniors at Jefferson High graduated on-time last year, a marked increase in achievement that follows an overhaul of the school's model in recent years.
The Oregon Department of Education released graduation rate data for last year's seniors on Thursday. Statewide, 74...
| Read more >In the fight against generational poverty, a new idea took hold a few years ago: Promise Neighborhoods.
Modeled on the Harlem Children's Zone, Promise Neighborhoods aim to provide kids in a particular area with a whole host of services — medical, social and educational — from birth through...
| Read more >A new group for liberal city council members is pushing the limits of what municipalities can do for their residents.
| Read more >Nashville is one of 10 locations nationwide to receive a $500,000 Promise Neighborhood grant from the U.S. Department of Education to promote vibrant neighborhoods, healthy families and successful students.
| Read more >At the largest gathering of youths and adults involved in the service-learning movement--a teaching and learning process used to help students connect academics to real community issues--Geoffrey Canada, education reform leader and President and CEO of Harlem Children’s Zone, Inc., wasted no...
| Read more >The housing authority has a two-year, $300,000 federal Choice Neighborhood planning grant to transform the corridor that includes the former Hitch Village public housing site from a distressed housing site and long-neglected neighborhood into what federal officials see as a viable and...
| Read more >Using Meriden’s Family Zone as a backdrop, U.S. Sens. Chris Murphy and Richard Blumenthal pitched legislation Tuesday that would secure the Promise Neighborhood program on a long-term basis, as opposed to its current year-to-year funding status.
| Read more >Over 70 individuals showed up to plan for the Greater Hudson Promise Neighborhood initiative on Saturday morning, including people of community organizations, the Hudson City School District, Catholic Charities and most importantly several thoughtful community members that reside within the...
| Read more >Nashville is one of 10 locations nationwide to receive a $500,000 Promise Neighborhood grant from the U.S. Department of Education to promote vibrant neighborhoods, healthy families and successful students.
| Read more >Leaders in neighborhoods all across America are beginning to build communities of opportunity using the innovative Promise Neighborhood model. Based on the principles of the Harlem Children's Zone, Promise Neighborhoods knit together the educational, health, and social supports children need to...
| Read more >In January of 2009 the Charlottesville City Council identified a need to address problems of race relations and racial equity and started the Dialogue on Race (DOR) initiative with the following mission: “Our mission is to engage every segment of our community in an open, honest, on-going...
| Read more >This could go down as one of the most significant turning points in race relations in Charlottesville. It depends. In the past two years, the DOR has been working to accomplish some important outcomes. It first conducted a series of six-week study circles bringing many people of different...
| Read more >The Promise Neighborhood Program is taking a counterintuitive approach to improve the academic performance of school kids in poor communities by focusing on their needs outside the classroom. NBC’s Richard Lui reports as part of the network’s continuing “Education Nation” coverage.
| Read more >The Promise Neighborhood Program is taking a counterintuitive approach to improve the academic performance of school kids in poor communities by focusing on their needs outside the classroom. NBC’s Richard Lui reports as part of the network’s continuing “Education Nation” coverage.
| Read more >The designs of three Tampa parks were recently honored at the Hillsborough County Planning Commission’s 30th Anniversary Community Design Awards.
| Read more >The Spurs' season may be over, but a new league in town is just beginning: The Midnight Basketball League, targeting young men on the East Side, holds its first games Friday.
| Read more >A new community center opens in the Sulphur Springs neighborhood of Tampa.
| Read more >How can someone who dropped out of school in ninth grade put her kids on the road to college? Charlotte Robinson doesn't exactly know the answer, but she is trying to be that mom.
| Read more >Place matters. And the Obama Administration has made it a priority to study just how much, such as how a community comes together to support residents, and how government, business and nonprofits can increase coordination to improve impact and effectiveness of investment.
| Read more >I asked at least 10 parents inside Marion-Sterling School on Thursday if they had heard of the "Promise Neighborhood," and all shook their heads no.
| Read more >Occasionally, the NPQ Newswire misses reports that don’t quite make it to the popular media but contain nuggets of information that Newswire readers might find useful. Such is the case with the “What Works Collaborative,” involving researchers from the Urban Institute, the Brookings Institution,...
| Read more >The U.S. Census Bureau’s announcement that slightly more than half the nation’s newborns are Latino, black, Asian, Native American or of mixed race is a milestone. The United States can glimpse its future, and it is in the eyes of a 5-year-old Latina, the smile of a 12-year-old black boy, the...
| Read more >We all need a little graduation inspiration, especially when it can feel like we're sending our graduates off on ice floes. So let me share my inspiration: the Time 100 list.
| Read more >The U.S. Census Bureau’s announcement that slightly more than half the nation’s newborns are Latino, black, Asian, Native American or of mixed race is a milestone. The United States can glimpse its future, and it is in the eyes of a 5-year-old Latina, the smile of a 12-year-old black boy, the...
| Read more >I am writing in response to “There is a duel within the war on poverty in Rockford”
| Read more >Charlottesville's City of Promise initiative hosted a reception Saturday night at Venable Elementary School to celebrate a program that will provide resources to students in nearby neighborhoods.
| Read more >A new local education initiative hopes to help more Charlottesville children obtain college degrees.
| Read more >Graduation will be under way for high school seniors in Bibb County this weekend. In 2011, 51 percent of Bibb County students graduated from high school, but at Southwest High School that rate was just at 38 percent.
| Read more >The new proposal will emphasize support services to transform neighborhoods into places where residents can flourish — including the cradle to college-or-career concept championed by Savannah-Chatham Youth Futures Authority and community partners in the Promise Neighborhood model, better...
| Read more >Jackson Triangle beat more than 200 other neighborhoods from 45 states to qualify for one of five “Promise” grants from the federal government. The $25 million, five-year grant is intended to address neighborhood issues that impact education including health, safety, and stability.
| Read more >The new proposal will stimulate support services to revolutionize neighborhoods into promising environments. These support services will include the cradle to college-or-career concept championed by Savannah- Chatham Youth Futures Authority and community partners in the Promise Neighborhood...
| Read more >The Promise Neighborhood Planning and Implementation Grants are now open for proposals from the Department of Education.
| Read more >A member of the executive planning committee, she is now working tirelessly to help prepare a proposal for a Promise Neighborhood implementation grant. If successful, the grant could bring in millions of dollars to improve Meriden’s inner city.
| Read more >He pointed to a UCLA study that reported students from poor socio-economic backgrounds but with strong arts backgrounds outperform the general student population academically. He also noted how the Department of Education is now stressing the arts in various education grant programs such as...
| Read more >Better schools, safer streets, healthier families — the residents who stand to benefit most from the $23.7 million Eastside Promise Neighborhood grant have heard it all before.
| Read more >Now, along comes a partnership of dozens of school, business, and community stakeholders to form The Albany Promise, billed as an effort to change a cycle that has seemed all but unbreakable. Its goal is nothing less than giving children in the city's poorest neighborhoods the same chance in...
| Read more >On Monday, the partnership, which is made up of 60 different stakeholders, will announce a major new effort to turn around the educational outcomes for the poorest children in Albany. Years in the making, it will target children in Arbor Hill, West Hill and the South End. The Albany Promise, as...
| Read more >Brenda Bailey, director of real estate development for Model Cities Community Development Corporation, said that while they could operate anywhere, the funding they receive, largely from the City of Saint Paul, focuses their work on one census tract, the area within a few blocks of Maxfield...
| Read more >I am writing in response to “There is a duel within the war on poverty in Rockford” (May 20). While the decision to use performance management software for helping manage and track outcomes for homelessness programs can often be political in nature, I would like to reinforce that the most...
| Read more >This is just the beginning of creating something along the lines of the Promise Neighborhood community model."
| Read more >Birmingham is hoping to get a chunk of $110 million available through HUD's Choice Neighborhoods program. The housing authority is pursuing plans to replace the aging Loveman Village housing community with a new mixed-income community.
| Read more >Can one individual make a difference in the lives of many? Convention-goers in Minneapolis heard a resounding "yes" to that question from one man who did it, and in a big way.
| Read more >Federal representatives were in Savannah Tuesday to meet with local officials and review a planned eastside neighborhood revitalization project.
| Read more >Superintendent Melinda J. Boone has taken the unprecedented step of asking the entire faculty at Claremont Academy to reapply for their jobs in an effort to start the school anew.
| Read more >Clinton School student Heath Carelock of New Carrollton, Md., partnered with the Central Little Rock Promise Neighborhood (CLRPN) to explore trendsetting practices and strategies that teachers from participating Promise Neighborhood schools can use to support positive student achievement.
| Read more >The path to school success and college is at the core of the Greater Hudson Promise Neighborhood Planning Grant with the path beginning early in a child’s life. Discussion of those early learning experiences playing a key role in later academic and life success have been a major topic with the...
| Read more >Attention public health advocates, the education reform train is leaving the station. It is time to get on board!
| Read more >The president has continually invested in and supported early childhood education. Why? Because he knows that it lays the foundation for future academic success.
| Read more >A small contingent of Sisters of Charity Foundation of Cleveland staff, Cleveland City Councilwoman Phyllis Cleveland and others visited Washington D.C. recently, meeting with Northeast Ohio’s congressional delegation and with U.S. Department of Education officials on the Cleveland Central...
| Read more >In 1997, Geoffrey Canada launched the Harlem Children's Zone
| Read more >For all the challenges faced by many families, including access to basic social resources such as health care and nutrition, there finally seems to be an emergence of a true, results-based solution.
| Read more >They were among 200 residents the CAMBA organization invited to come up with a wish-list of institutions, services and reforms they thought their community needed at the Flatbush Promise Neighborhood Initiative Town Hall Meeting on March 8, phase-one of a $500,000 planning grant the organization...
| Read more >The world of the hit movie "The Hunger Games" -- a ruined North America -- seems unreal, but it lays bare a reality we know all too well: We need to find a better way to revitalize poor neighborhoods.
| Read more >The city hired 32-year-old Davenport last month to head the City of Promise initiative, a federally funded, from-the-ground-up project that aims to guide underprivileged kids in Westhaven, the surrounding 10th and Page and Starr Hill neighborhoods and ultimately all of Charlottesville through...
| Read more >The Buffalo School Board has several great opportunities in front of it, options that can make real, meaningful change to a district desperate for improvement.
| Read more >“The majority of youth in the juvenile justice system have not committed serious violent crimes. They are children who made a mistake or are as noncompliant as teenagers often are,” said keynote speaker Angelique Kedem, director of the St. Paul Promise Neighborhood initiative. “We’re either...
| Read more >The U.S. Education Department cited the group's holistic method — strengthening community bonds to ensure children complete college — as inspiration for the Promise Neighborhoods grants. Last year, United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County received a $24.6 million Promise Neighborhoods grant to...
| Read more >The center is being developed jointly through the Buffalo Promise Neighborhood effort championed by the Westminster Foundation and M&T Bank.
| Read more >A team of advocates started putting plans in motion. Then, in September 2010, the U.S. Department of Education offered grants to help communities create their own “Promise Neighborhoods” based on Canada’s approach. Parkside-Kenilworth was one of 21 communities across the country to win a...
| Read more >Kids in New York City’s Flatbush neighborhood will be obtaining aid from a local nonprofit to help them navigate life successfully from birth to their first job after college. The nonprofit CAMBA is one of 15 organizations nationally to receive a Promise Neighborhood planning grant from the U.S....
| Read more >Child advocate Ebony Harris has been selected as project director for the Macon Children’s Promise Neighborhood initiative.
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