Site Results

Today, with the support of PNI, over 50 communities are planning or implementing results-focused, data-driven Promise Neighborhoods, scaling up to serve 200,000 children nationwide. While it will take a generation to fully realize the Promise Neighborhoods cradle-to-career vision in these communities, we are already seeing promising early results among communities implementing Promise Neighborhoods strategies. A snapshot of some of these early results is provided below:
  • Owsley County’s kindergarten-readiness scores made the largest increase in the Promise Neighborhood during the past year, moving from a 19 percent readiness rate to 55.7 percent.
  • Since 2012, the kindergarten readiness scores across the three counties which make up the Berea Promise Neighborhood (Clay, Jackson and Owsley counties) have increased from 16 percent to 42 percent. In other words, more students are prepared to get a positive start in school. 
  • Increased percentage of children in early learning settings from 62% (2013) to 73% (2014) 
  • Increased percentage of 3 year olds and kindergartners who exhibited age appropriate functioning 62% (2013) to 73% (2014). 
  • Improved school environment/behavioral issues as demonstrated through decrease in suspensions from over 300 (2012-2013) to 51 (2013-2014) and decrease in office referrals from 832 (2012-2013) to 330 (2013-2014) 
  • Decreased mobility rate from 21% to 18%. 
Northside Achievement Zone 
  • The Beginning Kindergarten Assessment administered in fall 2013 indicated that 59 percent of NAZ-enrolled kindergartners were ready for kindergarten, compared to 35 percent of kindergartners in the geographical area. 
  • Fifty-five percent of elementary grade students in expanded learning programs achieved at least one year of growth in reading in four months of participation after school and during the summer. 
  • Parenting knowledge and behaviors increased, 77 percent of active participants in NAZ Family Academy were proficient at the end of the session, compared with 24 percent of control group members. 
San Antonio 
  • Decreased absenteeism, from 18% to 3% among 6th graders, from 27% to 11% among 7th graders and from 40% to 24% among 9th graders 
Chula Vista Promise Neighborhood 
  • Increase in the number of children in early learning settings (center and/or home based care) from 43 percent in 2012 to 59 percent in 2013. 
  • Increase in parental engagement as measured by percent of parents who read to their children (birth to kindergarten) three or more times per week from 53% in 2012 to 68% in 2013. 
Youth Policy Institute (Los Angeles, California) 
  • Academic Performance Index (API) of the 18 LA Promise Neighborhood target schools increased an average of 18 points from the 2011–2012 to the 2012–2013 school year, with eight schools increasing by more than 30 points. During the same period, the overall statewide average API decreased by 2 points. 
Indianola Promise Community (Indianola, Mississippi) 
  • Children who participated in the early reading intervention implemented by the Indianola Promise Neighborhood are twice as likely to be kindergarten ready in reading as the children who did not participate in the program/intervention (62% vs. 38%). 

View a snapshot of all sites, including extended profiles for select sites on the Promise Neighborhoods Network page.