See Five Stages Below
A needs assessment and segmentation analysis are conducted to guide the development and targeting of solutions
A data system is developed or purchased that includes the key components outlined in the Promise Neighborhoods data guidance document (case management system, neighborhood- and school-level data system, longitudinal data system, and data dashboard)
A results-driven approach (e.g., Results-Based Accountability) is used to create a data plan that follows the recommendations in the Promise Neighborhoods data guidance document (including baselines, targets, solutions, partners, and performance measures) and ways to assess fidelity of implementation, scale, and impact are identified
Early Implementation
The Promise Neighborhoods data system is operational and used for case management in addition to neighborhood- and school-level data collection and storage
Population and performance data are collected regularly and captured in the case management system and a data dashboard (e.g., Promise Scorecard)
Performance data are used to create a culture of accountability, manage the performance of partners in achieving targets, continuously improve solutions, and monitor fidelity of implementation, scale, and impact
Full Implementation
Longitudinal data for all 10 Promise Neighborhoods results and the 15 associated indicators are collected and can be shared as restricted use data files
Individual case data are used to improve the quality and effectiveness of solutions
Disaggregated performance and population data are available for use by partners to maintain a culture of accountability, manage the performance of partners in achieving targets, continuously improve solutions, and monitor fidelity of implementation, scale, and impact
Reaching Scale
Longitudinal data for all 10 Promise Neighborhoods results and the 15 associated indicators are collected and can be shared as restricted use data files (with an increase in data quality and completeness)
Individual and disaggregated performance and population data are routinely used by partners to continuously improve solutions and ensure targets are being met
Data are used to make the case for funding and policy changes and to maintain a culture of accountability, manage the performance of partners in achieving targets, continuously improve solutions, and monitor fidelity of implementation, scale, and impact
Sustaining Results
Longitudinal data for all 10 Promise Neighborhoods results and the 15 associated indicators are collected and can be shared as restricted use data files (with complete and high-quality data)
Needs assessment and segmentation analysis data are routinely updated to ensure that solutions meet neighborhood needs as outcomes improve and/or demographics change
Individual and disaggregated performance and population data are routinely used by partners to maintain a culture of accountability, manage the performance of partners in achieving targets, continuously improve solutions, and monitor fidelity of implementation, scale, and impact