An Early Start to Educational Success for Black Boys

Our new resource guide, Ensuring Black Males are Successful Early Readers – the second in the series Accelerating Results for Black Males: A Resource Guide for Promise Neighborhoods – features a number of interesting and successful programs and practices that Promise Neighborhoods are implementing to place black boys on a path to educational achievement.
These solutions, which change the odds for black boys in the first eight years of their lives to provide them with a strong foundation for further learning, are examples of the kinds of efforts heralded by President Obama’s new My Brother’s Keeper initiative. They offer resources and models designed to help communities support black boys’ early reading success. For example, the Northside Achievement Zone’s summer learning programs last year prevented summer learning loss for 100% of black boys who completed the program.
Check out the guide, share it with your networks, and let us know what you think!
And if you’ve got a story of an effort helping black men and boys succeed, leave us a note on our Facebook page—and submit it to My Brother’s Keeper to help lift up what works.